High Hill's Bull

High Hill's Bull Bull Terrier Miniature

Bull Terrier Miniature

1- Plan du Site

2- Accueil

2.1- Présentation

3- Chiens

3.1- mâle

3.1.1- Celebrated enamorada

3.1.2- Gang-staff Energizer

3.1.3- Pure white High Hill's Bull

3.1.4- The mexican almatbull

3.2- femele

3.2.1- Czesia gang-staff

3.2.2- Ivy High Hill's Bull

3.2.3- Platinum naggets Leonsiya

3.2.4- Maryline High Hill's Bull

3.2.5- Pearl High Hill's Bull

3.2.6- Rolling High Hill's Bull

3.2.7- Rose gun’s High Hill's Bull

3.3- etalon

3.3.1- Celebrated enamorada

3.3.2- Gang-staff Energizer

3.3.3- Pure white High Hill's Bull

3.3.4- The mexican almatbull

4- Liens

5- Livre d'or

6- Contact